I'm very pleased to introduce to you the Geary family. I originally met Erin through her husband's brother's girlfriend ALEXIS. I had the chance to take some photos of Erin and Mark's adorable baby ELINA when she was only 6 weeks old. Erin's sister Shannon (who now lives in Arizona with her husband Kiernan) contacted me a few months ago about taking some family photos while they were visiting and I couldn't have been more excited. So here we are! What a fun, warm-hearted family. Tim & Joan are two very proud parents and they clearly adore (how could you not!?) their granddaughter Elina. Little Elina isn't quite so little now (just turned 1!) and is walking around exploring the world with a big smile on her face.
I'm so glad I was able to spend some time with this amazing family. I think this first photo sums them up pretty well ;)